Monday, December 23, 2019

The Fundamental Principle Of Inclusive Schooling - 2000 Words

Meeting children’s needs is a vital aspect of teaching whereby the needs of all children must be taken into consideration. Teacher’s professional practice is developed over time in various ways, for example through experience and reflection (Tack et al, 2014). My professional practice was informed by Meeting Children’s Needs module as it educated me on how to assist children to become successful learners. This can be achieved through various strategies that meet the diverse needs of every child. The National Curriculum (National Curriculum, 2000) has at times been ambiguous on the matter of inclusion as it is a contentious term. A prominent philosophy within education was that children had to adapt themselves to classroom learning in order†¦show more content†¦Hence it is important that schools embrace diversity to ensure effective learning of all takes place. Each child is special and as a practitioner working with children I have to be aware of all iss ues surrounding children’s lives as outside factors affect learning. This essay will focus on the case studies of Charlotte and Pinkesh to illustrate how these case studies educated me on how to deal with children in similar situations and how my professional practice has been developed. These concepts of meeting children’s needs prepared me for my SEL experience in many ways. Firstly, it allowed me to understand the importance of inclusion and how this was crucial to effective learning. One pupil I profiled was Jake; not given a SEN statement, however the teacher ensured she differentiated, in turn enhancing his learning. Jake was very capable but he had behavioural issues and suffered from low self-esteem: very shy and liked working on his own. After his work was completed he would act out. This behaviour was similar to the case study of Charlotte as her behaviour deteriorated for attention. Charlotte just like Jake had low self-esteem; these children need to be given challenging work so they can reach their full potential. Maslow points to the importance of self-esteem and as a need by all to feel valued (Maslow, 1954, p.91). Banks has argued that having good

Sunday, December 15, 2019

On mona lisa smile Free Essays

The film which is about a young and an idealist teacher who want to change something. The film which involves the reflections of feminism and functionalism. In this essay I analyze these reflections. We will write a custom essay sample on On mona lisa smile or any similar topic only for you Order Now Firstly,according to the functionalism,everyone in society has a role and everyone play their role contribute to the smooth functioning of society. Children learn and internalize the norms and expectations which are accepted in a society. In this wise,they adopt sex roles. So,gender roles are compatible with sex. Because there are innate differences. N the movie,the girls who study at the college take courses not only physics and art history but also speech and marriage. Because they will graduate in a few years and they will find a good husband and then they will be housewife. They will have responsibilities such as providing comfort a man and care of children. Because gender roles are innate. Gender roles are learned and internalized with the help of agencies such as family,educational institutions. There are these agencies in this movie. Furthermore,functional approach suggest that gender differences contribute to social stability and integration. Namely,the women should concentrate on domestic and family responsibilities while men work outside the home. There are expressive roles for women and instrumental roles for men. The females should provide care and security of children and offer them emotional support. Men,on the other hand,are the breadwinner in the family. For example,in this movie,the girls are given courses about the importance of expressive roles. But there is a unequal division of labor within the Emily. Functionalism believes that this state is necessary for the maintenance of social stability. There are examples of giving importance of this necessity in the movie. Divorce is seen a bad state by people in that society and the mother don’t accept her daughter who want to back home. Functionalists emphasize the importance of moral consensus which exist when most people in a society share the same values and it is important to maintain order for them. In the movie,there is a order and balance in the society. Because there are rules,arrangements,traditions and values which interlink the people. In this way,the moral consensus exist in a society. For instance,there are traditional competitions which are about marriage having a baby in college. Secondly,feminist approaches reject the idea that gender inequality IA natural. Feminism is based on women’s freedom. The women should not be representative of their gender roles which are given them in innate. Instead,they should live by their own definition. In the movie,the teacher is defender of feminism. Her opinion is that her students should be more free when they take their own decisions. She provide that the students discuss on the subject in the class. In the way,their ideas will occur and they will not copy other people’s opinion. Also,feminist approach emphasizes that there must be equal opportunity between women and men. For example,the range of education. The teacher encourage the student in studying law. To sum up,it is possible to see that the reflections of functionalism and feminism in the movie. Essay on Mona Lisa smile By kickball How to cite On mona lisa smile, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Against Gay Marriage free essay sample

Ssm Background. Facts: At the present time, SSM has split the U. S. by: * Age:Â  Youth and young adults are generally for SSM; the elderly are against or evenly split. * Political affiliation:Â  Most Democrats are in favor, Independents slightly less so, Republicans are opposed. * Religion:Â  Conservatives are very strongly opposed; religious liberal, progressives, and secularists are in favor; main line denominations are split. Geography:Â  The northeast is supportive; the west coast is about evenly split; the rest of the country is against. 30 states have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage. * Opponents argue that altering the traditional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman will further weaken a threatened institution and that legalizing gay marriage is a slippery slope that may lead to polygamous and interspecies marriages. Arguments against: Religious freedom:Â  For most Americans, marriage is a religious sacrament or ceremony. If the definition of marriage is changed to allow SSM, some religious individuals and groups feel that they will become at risk of having to violate their beliefs by being forced to marry same-sex couples. We will write a custom essay sample on Against Gay Marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Children benefit:Â  Many religiously conservative researchers have found that children thrive best when reared in a home with a married mother and father. Boys and girls have needs that are uniquely met by parents of the opposite gender. Teaching about SSM:Â  The role of marriage in society is a major topic taught in public schools. If SSM is legalized, schools would be required to teach that same-sex marriage is equivalent to opposite-sex marriage, starting as early as Kindergarten. That would violate the beliefs of many parents. Â  * Same-sex marriage has lead to increased acceptance of single parenthood and has undermined the institution of marriage in Scandinavia. Sweden began offering same-sex couples benefits in 1987, followed by Denmark in 1989 and Norway in 1993. According to a Feb. 29, 2004 report by Stanley Kurtz, PhD, 60% of firstborn children in Denmark and a majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because homosexual relationships have nothing to do with procreation. Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification. http://gaymarriage. procon. org/ http://www. religioustolerance. org/hom_marr. htm

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Everyday Use Essay Example

Everyday Use Essay Alice Walkers Everyday Use is a hurt story that illustrates heritage being diverted from the way its perceived in family values. This short story is a drama genre involving argumentative destruction in a family bond which leads to depicting social views. A now wealthy daughter (Dee), of a traditional mother, is different orientated than her sister and mother. A quilt is brought up and Dee wanes the quilt but the mom is saving it for Maggie when she gets married. Although the Moms instincts knows that the quilt to Dee wont really matter to her and just have it somewhere hanged up or see it as another profit to her pocket. While Maggie s the same like her mom that takes pride in her cultural heritage she thinks she would actually enjoy and have a special meaning to it rather than to just have laying around somewhere. Everyday Use distinguishes differences in how a family of three, Mama, Magi, and Dee using indirect direct characterization, perceive breaking change tradition. The indirect characterization of Mama leads the reader to see how she views heritage and doesnt want change. The indirect characterization is shown through a characters actions by what they say or do. We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this case, Mama thinks Dee as a child is trying to brain wash her to make her believe a to of knowledge she didnt necessarily need to know. (94) Mama is afraid of change and is so stuck in the past to accept that tradition can break with this new era she is now living in. Although she didnt have education herself she isnt as aware of the changes happening now that her daughter went through when she went to school. If it isnt her way she feels like she isnt satisfied and maybe thinks she has failed as a parent due to Dee believing in other beliefs towards heritage. The direct characterization of Maggie provides the reader to see that she as well views heritage a different way and doesnt want change because shes allowing the foot steps of someone else. Direct characterization states how the actual character is with the narrator describing her, Mama, she explains how Maggie will be feel nervous until her sister leaves because she will feel ashamed and have a mixture of envy and awe. (93) Mama states Maggie this way because she is the exact same way mama is. Not because Maggie wants too but because Mama makes her this way by not letting her explore new things and not breaking traditions. Maggie was painted a picture from her mother of how she should see certain beliefs and other heritage things so she feels obligated to obey them. Since Mama is always blabbering on how Dee is different and how she got a new life, Maggie gets a sense of insecurity because she might think Well if I go against my mother maybe she as well may think I m going against her. She wants to not follow traditions and go on in the world like Dee but shes too scared as well. Also as for Dee indirect characterization shows the reader that she isnt afraid of change and sees heritage different from the others. Throughout the story the Mama makes Dee the golden child but beneath that all Dee wanted was change. Dee coming back home shes not the same Dee she was in her hill hood. Wanders, Deeds new former name after being married, said to Mama the old me is dead l couldnt bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me. (96) Mama sees the whole new change as a sign of Dee thinks shes better than her because she married a wealthy guy and doesnt like her old name. Although its the other way around she still is very prideful in where she comes from but is just not in the same mentality her mother still is in. Dee wanted to step out of this box her mother might of had her as AC child and explore new things now that equality is taking place during his time. She is in a whole new vibe trying to become someone in society and not be judged. Indirect and direct characterization help demonstrate the central theme by making a reader understand what the purpose of the character is. In Everyday Use three main characters were focused more than the other to analyze how breaking traditions can impact families beliefs about one another. Breaking away from heritage and traditions is perfectly fine. Imagine if the world was still in 1970 and not 2015, people would still have their mind in a closet and not as open as they do now.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Taxation reflective Journals Essay Example

Taxation reflective Journals Essay Example Taxation reflective Journals Essay Taxation reflective Journals Essay Essay Topic: Reflective In an attempt to enable productivity and Innovation, PICK+ scheme for small ND medium enterprises (Seems) was Introduced by the Government, and along with other measures such as the extension of financial schemes for companies at different growing stages. One of the measures Is the extension of the RD tax Incentive for a longer timeshare of 10 years In hope of yelling successful results from the businesses innovation activities. The move for extending the tax Incentive Is essential as in a global perspective, there is a strong competition for R activities. In 2013, Singapore economy has achieved a significant 4. 1%, so as to further strengthen the imitativeness of the economy in 2014, especially in the financial services sector, Government introduced measures that focus on tax certainty and maintain a level- playing for Singapore-incorporated banks which issue Basel Ill Additional Tier 1 instruments, and such instruments will be treated as debt for tax purposes. Additionally, enhancing and refining the tax incentive schemes for qualifying funds promotes the fund management sector in Singapore. Lastly, Budget 2014 aims to achieve a fair and equitable society, and financial assistance in education for hillier from lower income households is one example, as well as the generous Pioneer Generation Package, an 8 billion initiative to salute those who helped in nation building. Applicable Laws 1 . Extension of Productivity Innovation Credit Scheme Currently, businesses can enjoy 400% tax deductions/allowances on up to $400,000 of their qualifying expenditure per year. However, to continue encourage businesses in Investments on innovation activities and productivity, the PICK scheme Is further extended to 2018. This extension is appropriate and deemed as an essential approach which aims to attain a positive Impact to Singapore economy as whole where businesses are provided with a substantial amount of time to achieve long- term sustainability in productivity enhancements. On top of the extension, PICK+ was proposed by the minister to support Seems where the capped of qualifying expenses Is Increased from $400,000 to $600,000. For Seems, this will be definitely served as a booster for their business expansion and restructure as more substantial Investments are being made. Taxation reflective Journals By Chihuahua Lie asthma S3420690 HP: 92336485 Budget 2014 has witnessed the effort from Government in the economic restructuring path by extending and refining tax incentives to boost productivity and promote innovation so as to sustain its competitiveness in the economy. At the same time, several measures were introduced to build an inclusive social structure of Singapore by providing financial support to the senior citizens and the lower income groups. In an attempt to enable productivity and innovation, PICK+ scheme for small and medium enterprises (Seems) was introduced by the Government, and along with growing stages. One of the measures is the extension of the R tax incentive for a longer timeshare of 10 years in hope of yielding successful results from the businesses innovation activities. The move for extending the tax incentive is essential investments on innovation activities and productivity, the PICK scheme is further approach which aims to attain a positive impact to Singapore economy as whole proposed by the minister to support Seems where the capped of qualifying expenses is increased from $400,000 to $600,000. For Seems, this will be definitely served as a investments are being made.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Asserting Masculinity in the Cultural Context of Camp

Confirming masculinity in the cultural context of summer camp is an important yearly experience in the lives of many children. Some children continue to camp after the camp time and choose to become counselors. The program exists as a leadership program within the camp structure to educate on how to become an effective counselor for children between the ages of 15 and 17. Each session ends with a normally closed bonfire, and the male 's CILT is extinguished by urinating after the woman comes out. Male / Female: culture depends on male or female. In male culture, the dominant values ​​are thought to be ambitious, self-confidence, performance, and access to money and things, so-called feminists such as quality of life, maintenance of personal relationships, consideration of weak environments It is emphasized with cultural values ​​(Edward Rees, 2010). Time oriented: Finally, time oriented determines the cultural influence of every country. It was originally called a chaotic motive and is related to the time frame faced by the people of different cultures and some of them will consider concrete action plans in the coming years, 2010 Year) †¢ Masculinity and femininity mean that culture emphasizes emotional and social roles as well as work goals. Male culture reflects preferences for confidence, achievement and material success. Women's culture emphasizes relationships, cooperation, and the quality of life. I agree with the dominant value whether male or female, male or female, despite this dimension label. In addition to the work done by Hofstede, many other effects on behavior are categorized. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1998) also focuses on cultural differences and their impact on business and management. They provided data from more than 30,000 training program participants and explained the seven aspects of cultural differences:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cicero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cicero - Essay Example On his part, Erucius contends that in the event that he had murdered his father, he could have asserted his legacy. The Cicero listened to both sides of the contentions so as to relate new data and thoughts which could empower him settle on a balanced choice. The main story or casing that Erucius tells was not convincing however the second one was more feasible. The portrayal uncovers that ranchers like Roscius were quiet, unselfish, were given to their family and couldnt control their fate. Cicero copartners Roscius with this character and assaults Erucius for belligerence that anyone might not seek on the area in light of the fact that in country life, qualities are not goals. Cicero affirmed that he saw unmistakably the qualities of the Romans. Consequently, it was sound to accept that nation life was more unadulterated than the city life where Erucius had moved with his late father. In his decision or talk, Cicero contended that there was sufficient data to connection Erucius to the homicide of his father. Cicero argued that it was prudent to use refutation because it allowed him to reflect o n the case in the sense he was able to side line facts that were not useful. In the case of Roscius, Cicero followed all aspects of oration as discussed above. Cicero prompted speakers that it was balanced for them to first make what he called stasis. Hence, stasis implies they need to call attention to the principle issue and evaluate whether the case is solid enough or not. Moreover, they need to create the fundamental perspectives concerning the issue so they contend in court to impact the choice or discipline (Cicero 89). Further, they need to name the principle wrongdoing or issue, for example, first degree homicide or murder. Cicero states that a great and immaculate speaker may have demolished both law and rationale (checking trademark sanity)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Outline and compare frequentist view of probability and subjective Essay

Outline and compare frequentist view of probability and subjective view of probability - Essay Example Although experts like Frank P. Ramsey have referred to the frequentist methods more specifically and directly, the topic of subjective analyses has also been an important focal point in several academic debates. Building at least outlines of the frequentist and subjective views is thus necessary before embarking on a more detailed comparative analysis. Frequentist View of Probability Frequentist view of probability is relatively more common and popular perspective o probabilistic studies. According to Professor Norman Fenton, probability theory can be regarded as the body of knowledge which facilitates formal reasoning on uncertain events. Furthermore, Fenton states: â€Å"The populist view of probability is the so-called frequentist approach whereby the probability P of an uncertain event A, written P(A), is defined by the frequency of that event based on previous observations. For example, in the UK 50.9% of all babies born are girls; suppose then that we are interested in the eve nt A: 'a randomly selected baby is a girl'. According to the frequentist approach P(A)=0.509.† (Fenton, paragraph 1) Frequentist probability is therefore generally dependent on data collection and manipulation of available sample spaces, where a number of specimens and/or trial/error events can be observed. Contextually, Ramsey has stated that probability is of essential significance not only in the sphere of logic but also in the physical and statistical sciences. Academics and researchers cannot be sure in advance that the most functional interpretation of probability in logic will help in understanding the physical sciences too. The frequentative nature of probabilistic studies can thus be assumed as to have special stress on practical trial and error methods typical to most of the scientific and statistical research works. Subjective View of Probability Subjective view pf probability can be thought of as more affiliated to the philosophical antiquity of the subject. The su bjective view takes into account even the individual perspective of the observer with relation to an array of uncertain events. According to Albert (Paragraphs 3-4): â€Å"A subjective probability reflects a person's opinion about the likelihood of an event. If our event is "Joe will get an A in this class", then my opinion about the likelihood of this event is probably different from Joe's opinion about this event. Probabilities are personal and they will differ between people.† Therefore, subjective view is aimed at exploring the theory of probability from the viewpoint of an observer. Hence, it can be regarded as to have relativistic implications rather than practical fact finding approach. Comparative Analysis Similarities As early as 1926, Frank P. Ramsey pointed out the dualistic nature of understanding the subject of probability as a whole. He pointed out that there are two interpretations, those are subjective and objective views, related to the science and art of pro babilistic enquiry. In furtherance with such an approach, Ramsey (188-189) writes: â€Å"And in a sense we may say that the two interpretations are the objective and subjective aspects of the same inner meaning, just as formal logic can be interpreted objectively as a body of tautology and subjectively as the laws of consistent thought.†

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wonderland Hotel Quality Management Case Study Essay Example for Free

Wonderland Hotel Quality Management Case Study Essay John Chan, Wonderland Hotel’s general manager, has a major public relations problem related to a banquet for TC International that was a complete disaster. The Vice President of TC International is extremely disappointed and upset about the entire banquet. The Vice President felt that every aspect of the banquet from the cocktail reception, to the table setup and flowers, to the food and drinks, to the sound system and photographer were filled with problems and that the Wonderland Hotel had let TC International down badly. After speaking with internal and external players, John Chan discovered that a comedy of errors and miscommunications occurred to render the banquet a failure. First, the technical manager of the PA system was not given enough time to wire the tables because he had to wait for the hotel staff to clear the tables for them. The hotel services manager claimed that he was never told about the type of flowers TC International requested and that the technical group moved the flowers near a heat outlet, virtually destroying the flowers. The conference manager claimed a conference checklist was not supplied to him; therefore he was unaware of the need for video equipment. The head chef and waiter felt the entire evening schedule ran late and that they were both unable to produce adequate food and service due to delays caused by other vendors such as the electricians. Finally, the photographer claimed the conference manager had only booked him for half an hour at 10pm and that he had another booking shortly after. When the photographer arrived, TC International was still in the middle of the meal and the photographer had to leave to attend the other engagement. Had the photographer been aware of the situation, he could have arranged for a partner to stay later. The TC International banquet was a disaster due to lack of leadership, organization, and communication. Also contributing to the failure was a lack of accepting responsibility by the customers and suppliers involved. The external customer is TC International, who is paying a large fee to have a superior banquet executed by Wonderland Hotel. The external supplier is the photographer, who need to be kept informed about time changes in the event scheduling and who should have let the conference manager know of his time limitations due to other engagements. The internal suppliers are the technical manager, hotel services manager, conference manager, and the head chef and waiter. Each of the internal suppliers needs to have time scheduled appropriately to manage each individual responsibility. The internal suppliers each claimed to have been restricted by another internal supplier who infringed on the time each supplier needed to provide superior service. Due to lack of communication and leadership, each internal and external supplier was unaware of the overall affect of time delays and therefore no action was taken to correct the long line of mistakes that contributed to the banquet failure. To prevent similar disasters from occurring in the future, Wonderland Hotel should formulate a Total Quality Management (TQM) strategy. TQM is a management strategy in which an awareness of quality is known in all organizational processes that will lead to increased customer satisfaction (wikipedia, 2007). A key component of TQM is that there is an accountability standard in which every player in the organization holds and understands responsibility to do their part in attaining superior customer satisfaction. In Wonderland Hotel’s case, internal suppliers would understand the need to step up and efficiently organize large events. Each supplier would understand the need for timely delivery of services and quality that would ensure event success. Through increased communication, external suppliers and customers would be educated in their own responsibilities to make the event run smoothly. For example, TC International would be help accountable for communicating all their needs and desires for the event and the photographer would be expected to be available even in the event of a delay in the schedule. All event customers and suppliers would feel a sense of inward responsibility to make the event a success instead of focusing external blame for any problems that occur. Reference

Thursday, November 14, 2019

elationship between art and society :: essays research papers fc

Relationship Between Art And Society: Mimesis The relationship between art and society: Mimesis as discussed in the works of Aristotle, Plato, Horace and Longinus The relationship between art and society in the works of Plato are based upon his idea of the world of eternal Forms. He believed that there is a world of eternal, absolute and immutable Forms (the world of the Ideal) and thought that this is proven by when man is faced with the appearance of anything in the material world, his mind is moved to a remembrance of the Idea or an absolute and immutable version of the thing he sees. It is this moment of recollection that he wonders about the contrast between the world of shadows and the world of the Ideal. It is in this moment of wondering that man struggles to reach the world of Forms through the use of reason. Anything then that does not serve reason is the enemy of man. Given this, it is only but logical that poetry should be eradicated from society. Poetry shifts man’s focus away from reason by presenting man wit h imitations of objects from the concrete world. Poetry, with its focus on mimesis or imitation, has no moral value. While Plato sees reality as a shadow of a realm of pure Ideas (which in turn is copied by art), Aristotle sees reality as a process of partially realized forms moving towards their ideal realizations. Given this idea by Aristotle, the mimetic quality of art is redefined as the duplication of the living process of nature and its need to reach its potential form. Art then for Aristotle does not become the enemy of society if the artist is loyal in the representation of the process of becoming in nature. Horace, like Aristotle and Plato, also brings to view a theory of poetry as mimesis. He believes that a poet should imitate real life and real manners in a similarly real language of the times. This is because of his belief of the importance of the audience’s response to art. Horace focuses on the conventions that an artist must fulfill so that the expectations of the audience may be met. The audience of that time was composed of both the equites , who expected amusement from art, and the senatores , who expected beneficial lessons from art, and so the artist must know his craft and the conventions of his craft so that art may fulfill its ultimate role in society which is both to create pleasure and to instruct.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Swot Analysis of Meru

SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Meru Cabs was one of the first companies to launch metered â€Å"Radio cabs† in India under its brand â€Å"Meru. † Meru has captured the first mover advantage in this segment. Meru is very famous among its customers so much that when people think of air conditioned cabs they associate it with Meru. Meru cabs offer good training to their drivers so that they can maintain the Meru level of consumer service. They also regularly maintain their cabs which make it neat and clean and so commuters enjoy their ride.They have digital tampered proof meters so there is no chance cheating. Weakness: Meru cabs largely depend on technology right from the moment to pick up customers to drop them. They use GPRS system to track the customers and to drop them to their location and also to show them the real estimated time. So if there is any server failure or breakdown it becomes difficult for the cabs to function smoothly. Usually Meru cabs are available when cu stomers call for it. So there is time lag between the call time and actual ride. They are not as easily available as local non air conditioned cabs.People usually prefer meru cabs for long distance travel. Opportunity: Meru so far is catering only to major metro cities. They should consider upon extending their services to tier two cities because these cities are growing rapidly. They can also consider upon renting cars without chauffeurs. They can also update their customers with real flight time schedules through Infotainment services. Meru should also think for strategic partnership with various travels portals so that they can extend services like pick up and drop to customers to their hotels and so on. Threats:Although Meru was the first player in this segment; it is now facing stiff competition from players like Tab Cab, Mega Cabs and so on. There is very less level of differentiation among all these cabs. So this is eroding the market share of Meru. Air conditioned buses star ted by BEST in Mumbai is also competition to Meru cabs. Driver unions also prove to be a problem many a times. Government regulations and sudden changes in policies is also a threat. CRM of Meru to retain customers * No additional or hidden charges because of tamper free meters * Printed receipts produced at the end of every trip In case of any complaints, feedback etc. , passengers can call Customer Service Center at 44224422 * Lost and found belongings due to trustworthy drivers * Usage of clean green fuel because it uses LPG and CNG cars now a days to reduce pollution * Thoroughly trained Chauffeurs in a smart MERU uniform, fluent in English and Hindi and regional languages * Users are encouraged to make profiles on the website for faster and easier bookings next time * Round the clock availability of cabs backed by a location tracking GPS – based dispatch technology and a 24Ãâ€"7 Customer Service Center.This means a quicker pickup and faster response time to call for a c ab. * Tamper-proof digital cab meters, integrated with the GPS-system to ensure that every fare is tracked, thereby ruling out any possibility of overcharging by the driver. * Ability to track the location of the cab ‘real-time’ through the GPS technology * Emergency security features installed in the taxi for complete safety, including display of our Customer Service Center numbers inside each cab – provides security in case of an emergency-PANIC BUTTON BENEFITS OF CRM * Customer segmentation Market analytics like records of customer profiles, profile, payment history etc. * Generation of accurate leads and SMS bursts that target only the right customers based on their segmentation is possible * First time retention has increased from 40 % to more than 90 % * Customized and simplified bill formats, payment collection through cards * Better value added services were provided * It facilitated knowledge sharing amongst employees * Option of booking a cab in less th an 60 seconds * Reduced cost of customer acquisition * Has resulted in savings because of fewer calls

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Determination of the formula unit of a compound Essay

1)The crucible is weighed and the exact mass is recorded. 2)Approximately 0.2g of zinc is placed into the crucible and the crucible with its contain is weighed. The exact mass of zinc is determined. 3)10 ml of 6M HCl solution is poured into a measuring cylinder. 4)The 10 ml of 6M HCl solution is carefully added into the crucible containing zinc powder and the contents is stirred gently using a glass rod. A vigorous chemical reaction occurred and hydrogen gas is released. (This step is carried out in a fume cupboard.) 5)If the zinc powder has not dissolved completely, acid was added, 5 ml at a time, until the zinc is completely dissolved. The amount of acid used did not exceed 20 ml. 6)The crucible is placed on a hot plate in the fume cupboard and the contents are heated slowly so that the compound does not splatter during the heating process. 7)The compound is heated gently until it is completely dry. The compound is made sure not to melt. 8)The crucible is allowed to cool to room temperature. Then, it is weighed. 9)The crucible is reheated. It is let to cool to room temperature and then is weighed again. The procedure is repeated until the difference in mass does not exceed 0.02g. 10)The mass of zinc chloride is determined from the final weight of the sample. The mass of chloride in the zinc chloride is calculated. 11)The formula unit of zinc chloride is calculated. Introduction Chemical compound is a pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements which can be separated into simpler  substances by chemical reaction chemical compound has a unique chemical structure and defined. They consist of the fixed ratio of atoms are held together in a room setting is defined by chemical bonds. Chemical compound molecule compounds that can be held together by covalent bonds, salt is held together by ionic bonds, intermetallic compounds are held together by metal ties, or a complex held together by a coordinate covalent bond. Another main property of a compound is its chemical composition, which identified only by determining the elements present in the compound. The molecular weight of the empirical formula weight divided by the number of atoms of each element to produce a percentage of each element. This is done for each element in the empirical formula and tabulated as chemical composition. Please note the order is based on electro-nega tive elements. When zinc metal is reacted with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is released and an aqueous solution of zinc chloride is produced. The zinc chloride solution when evaporated to dryness leaves a pure salt product. In order to calculate the simplest whole number ratio of chlorine to zinc or empirical formula for zinc chloride, we need to use the initial mass of zinc and the solid product formed. It is important that all of the zinc used be reacted and that large excess amounts of hydrochloric acid not be used. Then, from the mass of zinc consumed and the total mass of product formed, the masses of both zinc and chlorine may be determined. Converting these to number of moles and then calculating the simplest whole number ratio, by dividing by both by the smaller of the two numbers, gives the empirical formula. If either of the numbers is non-integral, then multiply by the smallest number required to give two whole numbers as subscripts in the formula unit: ZnxCly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Frozen Embryos Who has legal rights essays

Frozen Embryos Who has legal rights essays Frozen Embryos, Who has legal rights? Invitro is defined as, In glass, as in a test tube(Tabers cyclopedic dictionary,1993), hence with reference to invitro fertilization, the term Test tube baby. The first test tube baby was Louise Brown of England (Jonsen, A. R., 1996). Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Professor Robert Edwards combined an ovum from Mrs. Brown, and sperm from Mr. Brown cultured it in a petri dish, and reimplanted the now embryo into Mrs. Browns uterus (Jonsen, A. R.,1996). The result was the same as a child born in the usual way, only the means to the end was different. The media had a field day with this, and since then, reproduction as we know it has changed. We now use the term assisted reproduction to describe a host of methods used to assist infertile couples to have children. A menagerie of large terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are used under the umbrella of this term, such as GIFT, IVF, FSH, AID, etc. The bottom line is that technology has allowed man to take yet another matter into his own hands, that may be considered playing God. As with any new procedure or product, there are always bugs to work out. Sometimes we can anticipate what these will be, but many times we cross that bridge when we come to it. Such seems to be the case with assisted reproduction. Considering the complicated custody battles already occurring with regard to our naturally made children, we have seen, and can anticipate more tangled legal webs ahead. Not much has been done to anticipate the complexities involved with assisted reproduction. In 1975, a federal law was enacted that created an Ethics Advisory Board (EAB)(Caplan, A. L., 1990). In 1979, this organization issued a report merely stating that invitro fertilization was worthy of monetary funds (Caplan, A. L., 1990). The EAB dis...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The conventions of a romantic comedy on a midsummer night's dream by Essay

The conventions of a romantic comedy on a midsummer night's dream by william shakespeare - Essay Example Because of this love, Hermia refuses to get married to Demetrius, despite pressure from the father. In fact, Hermia plans to elope with Lysander to secretly get married to Lysander. Another instance of love is between Helena and Demetrius who were once engaged. In a bid to win the love of Demetrius, Helena tells him of the action that Lysander and Hermia intend to undertake (Quinton and William, 4). Another major convention depicted in this romantic comedy is the need of the lovers to overcome obstacles. The love between Hermia and Lysander is faced with an obstacle. The main obstacle in this love is the father of Hermia who favors Demetrius as opposed to Lysander. The penalty for defying a father is death, or condemnation as unmarried woman to a convent. Another instance is when Hermia challenges Helena to a fight, because of jealousy. This is with the belief that Helena was trying to take the love of Lysander away from her. This is after Puck put the love portion on the eyes of Lysander, making him fall in love to Helena. Another instance where love had to overcome an obstacle is the love between King Oberon, and the young Indian boy (Quinton and William, 9). It was the desire of King Oberon to transform the boy into a knight, a situation that his queen, Titania refused. The forced the king to make Queen Titania fall in love with Bottom, a ridiculous creature. Eventually King Oberon through this action managed to have the boy, and transform him into a knight. Another romantic convention contained in this comedy is that it contains miraculous or supernatural creatures. The creatures in this short story are fairies who on most occasions are involved in blessing sleeping couples. The king of these fairies is King Oberon, and his Queen Tatania. There is also Puck, the fairy servant of King Oberon, and Bottom, a miraculous creature whose head was transformed by Puck to look like that of an ass. Furthermore, happy endings are always brought about by

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Biodegradability of polymers Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biodegradability of polymers - Term Paper Example The degradable products are biogas, carbon dioxide and methane. Natural polymers such as polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acid are degraded by hydrolysis and oxidation. Biodegradation can occur aerobically and anaerobically depending on the availability of oxygen. Chemical structure, physical properties, molecular weight, porosity, elasticity and morphology are responsible for a material’s biodegradation. Compounds which can be biodegradable have the power to break down in environments where the material is decomposed by biological processes with the production of water, carbon dioxide and carbon containing soil (Leja and Lewandowicz 256). There are various tests which can be performed to assess the biodegradability of polymers. The tests performed can be simple or complex depending on their duration of action. Simple tests are rapid and complex ones are slow. The test methods that are practiced are different. Plate testing method is a simple method used as an initial test. The polymer that is to be tested is set on a mineral salt agar accompanied with some carbon for fungal growth to start. Then the sample is inoculated by fungi such as Aspergillusniger. The level of biodegradability is measured by loss of dry weight and surface colonization. Another method for assessment is the enzyme test. In this method specific enzymes are used to catalyze polymers such as starch-blended polymers. The polymer of choice is inserted into an enzyme solution and is incubated. The degree of biodegradability is measured by weight loss of polymer. Another method is when various microbial consortia or groups are identified for various po lymers. This test gives its assessment by showing changes in molecular weight and mechanical properties. Modified sturm test is a simple method in which activated sewage sludge is used. The desired