Saturday, November 30, 2019

Everyday Use Essay Example

Everyday Use Essay Alice Walkers Everyday Use is a hurt story that illustrates heritage being diverted from the way its perceived in family values. This short story is a drama genre involving argumentative destruction in a family bond which leads to depicting social views. A now wealthy daughter (Dee), of a traditional mother, is different orientated than her sister and mother. A quilt is brought up and Dee wanes the quilt but the mom is saving it for Maggie when she gets married. Although the Moms instincts knows that the quilt to Dee wont really matter to her and just have it somewhere hanged up or see it as another profit to her pocket. While Maggie s the same like her mom that takes pride in her cultural heritage she thinks she would actually enjoy and have a special meaning to it rather than to just have laying around somewhere. Everyday Use distinguishes differences in how a family of three, Mama, Magi, and Dee using indirect direct characterization, perceive breaking change tradition. The indirect characterization of Mama leads the reader to see how she views heritage and doesnt want change. The indirect characterization is shown through a characters actions by what they say or do. We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Everyday Use specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this case, Mama thinks Dee as a child is trying to brain wash her to make her believe a to of knowledge she didnt necessarily need to know. (94) Mama is afraid of change and is so stuck in the past to accept that tradition can break with this new era she is now living in. Although she didnt have education herself she isnt as aware of the changes happening now that her daughter went through when she went to school. If it isnt her way she feels like she isnt satisfied and maybe thinks she has failed as a parent due to Dee believing in other beliefs towards heritage. The direct characterization of Maggie provides the reader to see that she as well views heritage a different way and doesnt want change because shes allowing the foot steps of someone else. Direct characterization states how the actual character is with the narrator describing her, Mama, she explains how Maggie will be feel nervous until her sister leaves because she will feel ashamed and have a mixture of envy and awe. (93) Mama states Maggie this way because she is the exact same way mama is. Not because Maggie wants too but because Mama makes her this way by not letting her explore new things and not breaking traditions. Maggie was painted a picture from her mother of how she should see certain beliefs and other heritage things so she feels obligated to obey them. Since Mama is always blabbering on how Dee is different and how she got a new life, Maggie gets a sense of insecurity because she might think Well if I go against my mother maybe she as well may think I m going against her. She wants to not follow traditions and go on in the world like Dee but shes too scared as well. Also as for Dee indirect characterization shows the reader that she isnt afraid of change and sees heritage different from the others. Throughout the story the Mama makes Dee the golden child but beneath that all Dee wanted was change. Dee coming back home shes not the same Dee she was in her hill hood. Wanders, Deeds new former name after being married, said to Mama the old me is dead l couldnt bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me. (96) Mama sees the whole new change as a sign of Dee thinks shes better than her because she married a wealthy guy and doesnt like her old name. Although its the other way around she still is very prideful in where she comes from but is just not in the same mentality her mother still is in. Dee wanted to step out of this box her mother might of had her as AC child and explore new things now that equality is taking place during his time. She is in a whole new vibe trying to become someone in society and not be judged. Indirect and direct characterization help demonstrate the central theme by making a reader understand what the purpose of the character is. In Everyday Use three main characters were focused more than the other to analyze how breaking traditions can impact families beliefs about one another. Breaking away from heritage and traditions is perfectly fine. Imagine if the world was still in 1970 and not 2015, people would still have their mind in a closet and not as open as they do now.

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