Friday, May 22, 2020

Spains History Never Forgotten Essay - 2514 Words

Spain is a country of many accomplishments as well as failures. It has emerged a great deal over the years. Some of the most noteworthy events have happened under the reign of kings Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII, and Juan Carlos. The three of them were related, but each had different feelings towards issues and dealt with them inversely. Alfonso XII was king for the shortest amount of time and first of the three, with only 10 years, from 1874 to 1885. He was announced King not too long after the end of the First Republic. The duration of Alfonso XII as king, and a part of Alfonso XII’s reign was known as the Restoration. Its main goal was to create a new political system, that of a constitutional monarchy through parliament. Spain was able†¦show more content†¦One of the many wars fought by Spain was the Spanish American War. It was fought between Spain and the United States. The war began in April of 1898 and ended that same year on December 10, lasting only eight months. Cuba longed to be free from Spanish rule, but Spain refused to let this happen. The U.S. saw how Cuba struggled for independence. United States residents were there, and the U.S. had millions of dollars invested in businesses, so it was a concern to them. This was one of that factors that led to war. Another was in 1989, when an American battleship called the USS Maine was sent to Cuba to rescue U.S. citizens. In February of that year, the battleship furtively exploded. The cause was either an accident or done by a Spanish or Cuban devise. The United States blamed the Spanish. After this incident they declared war on Spain. Battles were fought in all different places such as The Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. The United States defeated Spain, and the Spanish Empire in the Caribbean and Pacific came to an end. Both Countries signed the Treaty of Paris, which ended the conflict that was between them. The U.S. gained control of Puerto Rico, Guam, The Philippines, and were in control of Cuba receiving independence, which eventually was completed in 1902. This was the same year Alfonso XIII was of age to take over control of Spain as king. World War I began in 1914 and didn’t end for another 5 years, in 1919. Under the ruleShow MoreRelatedCultural Analysis of Spain1683 Words   |  7 Pagesnortheast by the Pyrenees Mountains. The remainder of Spain is bordered by the Bay of Biscay to the north/northwest, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea and Balearic Sea to the east. Spains capital, and largest city, Madrid has an urban population of 17 million, constituting 45% of Spains total population. Most of Spain is mountainous, but there are some lower elevations in the south and southwest. Spain offers a rather moderate climate. 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