Monday, December 23, 2019

The Fundamental Principle Of Inclusive Schooling - 2000 Words

Meeting children’s needs is a vital aspect of teaching whereby the needs of all children must be taken into consideration. Teacher’s professional practice is developed over time in various ways, for example through experience and reflection (Tack et al, 2014). My professional practice was informed by Meeting Children’s Needs module as it educated me on how to assist children to become successful learners. This can be achieved through various strategies that meet the diverse needs of every child. The National Curriculum (National Curriculum, 2000) has at times been ambiguous on the matter of inclusion as it is a contentious term. A prominent philosophy within education was that children had to adapt themselves to classroom learning in order†¦show more content†¦Hence it is important that schools embrace diversity to ensure effective learning of all takes place. Each child is special and as a practitioner working with children I have to be aware of all iss ues surrounding children’s lives as outside factors affect learning. This essay will focus on the case studies of Charlotte and Pinkesh to illustrate how these case studies educated me on how to deal with children in similar situations and how my professional practice has been developed. These concepts of meeting children’s needs prepared me for my SEL experience in many ways. Firstly, it allowed me to understand the importance of inclusion and how this was crucial to effective learning. One pupil I profiled was Jake; not given a SEN statement, however the teacher ensured she differentiated, in turn enhancing his learning. Jake was very capable but he had behavioural issues and suffered from low self-esteem: very shy and liked working on his own. After his work was completed he would act out. This behaviour was similar to the case study of Charlotte as her behaviour deteriorated for attention. Charlotte just like Jake had low self-esteem; these children need to be given challenging work so they can reach their full potential. Maslow points to the importance of self-esteem and as a need by all to feel valued (Maslow, 1954, p.91). Banks has argued that having good

Sunday, December 15, 2019

On mona lisa smile Free Essays

The film which is about a young and an idealist teacher who want to change something. The film which involves the reflections of feminism and functionalism. In this essay I analyze these reflections. We will write a custom essay sample on On mona lisa smile or any similar topic only for you Order Now Firstly,according to the functionalism,everyone in society has a role and everyone play their role contribute to the smooth functioning of society. Children learn and internalize the norms and expectations which are accepted in a society. In this wise,they adopt sex roles. So,gender roles are compatible with sex. Because there are innate differences. N the movie,the girls who study at the college take courses not only physics and art history but also speech and marriage. Because they will graduate in a few years and they will find a good husband and then they will be housewife. They will have responsibilities such as providing comfort a man and care of children. Because gender roles are innate. Gender roles are learned and internalized with the help of agencies such as family,educational institutions. There are these agencies in this movie. Furthermore,functional approach suggest that gender differences contribute to social stability and integration. Namely,the women should concentrate on domestic and family responsibilities while men work outside the home. There are expressive roles for women and instrumental roles for men. The females should provide care and security of children and offer them emotional support. Men,on the other hand,are the breadwinner in the family. For example,in this movie,the girls are given courses about the importance of expressive roles. But there is a unequal division of labor within the Emily. Functionalism believes that this state is necessary for the maintenance of social stability. There are examples of giving importance of this necessity in the movie. Divorce is seen a bad state by people in that society and the mother don’t accept her daughter who want to back home. Functionalists emphasize the importance of moral consensus which exist when most people in a society share the same values and it is important to maintain order for them. In the movie,there is a order and balance in the society. Because there are rules,arrangements,traditions and values which interlink the people. In this way,the moral consensus exist in a society. For instance,there are traditional competitions which are about marriage having a baby in college. Secondly,feminist approaches reject the idea that gender inequality IA natural. Feminism is based on women’s freedom. The women should not be representative of their gender roles which are given them in innate. Instead,they should live by their own definition. In the movie,the teacher is defender of feminism. Her opinion is that her students should be more free when they take their own decisions. She provide that the students discuss on the subject in the class. In the way,their ideas will occur and they will not copy other people’s opinion. Also,feminist approach emphasizes that there must be equal opportunity between women and men. For example,the range of education. The teacher encourage the student in studying law. To sum up,it is possible to see that the reflections of functionalism and feminism in the movie. Essay on Mona Lisa smile By kickball How to cite On mona lisa smile, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Against Gay Marriage free essay sample

Ssm Background. Facts: At the present time, SSM has split the U. S. by: * Age:Â  Youth and young adults are generally for SSM; the elderly are against or evenly split. * Political affiliation:Â  Most Democrats are in favor, Independents slightly less so, Republicans are opposed. * Religion:Â  Conservatives are very strongly opposed; religious liberal, progressives, and secularists are in favor; main line denominations are split. Geography:Â  The northeast is supportive; the west coast is about evenly split; the rest of the country is against. 30 states have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage. * Opponents argue that altering the traditional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman will further weaken a threatened institution and that legalizing gay marriage is a slippery slope that may lead to polygamous and interspecies marriages. Arguments against: Religious freedom:Â  For most Americans, marriage is a religious sacrament or ceremony. If the definition of marriage is changed to allow SSM, some religious individuals and groups feel that they will become at risk of having to violate their beliefs by being forced to marry same-sex couples. We will write a custom essay sample on Against Gay Marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Children benefit:Â  Many religiously conservative researchers have found that children thrive best when reared in a home with a married mother and father. Boys and girls have needs that are uniquely met by parents of the opposite gender. Teaching about SSM:Â  The role of marriage in society is a major topic taught in public schools. If SSM is legalized, schools would be required to teach that same-sex marriage is equivalent to opposite-sex marriage, starting as early as Kindergarten. That would violate the beliefs of many parents. Â  * Same-sex marriage has lead to increased acceptance of single parenthood and has undermined the institution of marriage in Scandinavia. Sweden began offering same-sex couples benefits in 1987, followed by Denmark in 1989 and Norway in 1993. According to a Feb. 29, 2004 report by Stanley Kurtz, PhD, 60% of firstborn children in Denmark and a majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because homosexual relationships have nothing to do with procreation. Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification. http://gaymarriage. procon. org/ http://www. religioustolerance. org/hom_marr. htm