Sunday, July 26, 2020

Top 10 LinkedIn Overused Buzzwords 2012

Top 10 LinkedIn Overused Buzzwords 2012 It’s that time of year again… the “Lists” season! The first one I’d like to share with you is the list of overused professional buzzwords from LinkedIn. These words give a nice glimpse into what words you might be overusing on your resume as well. The most overused words vary by country; according to LinkedIn, the Swiss boast primarily about being “analytical” while India’s natives assert themselves as “effective” (just as they did last year); Spaniards claim they are “specialized” while Brazilians declare they are “experimental.” Looking for “motivated” professionals? Try Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the U.K. In the United States, the Top 10 Overused Buzzwords in LinkedIn Profiles are as follows: 1. Creative 2. Organizational 3. Effective (no change from last year!) 4. Motivated 5. Extensive Experience (the #1 overused buzzword in 2010 and a phrase that sets me on edge!) 6. Track Record 7. Innovative 8. Responsible (making an appearance for the first time in LinkedIn’s top 10 list) 9. Analytical (also listed for the first time) 10. Problem Solving The two words that got knocked off the list are “dynamic” and “communication skills.” Perhaps people got the point that too many people were claiming to be dynamic, and that communication skills are most aptly demonstrated through actual communication. What would it take for you to scrub your LinkedIn profile clean of overused and overrated buzzwords? I provided specific suggestions for the top three (creative, organizational and effective) in my 2011 article on most overused LinkedIn buzzwords. Sometimes you really do need to be “creative” to succeed in presenting yourself in a unique way. The Essay Expert’s writers can work with you to write a profile that stands out from the rest of the world’s. For details on our services see LinkedIn Profile Writing Services. You can also contact us through our Web Form. We look forward to giving you that extra edge on LinkedIn!